I just spent the past 4 hours discovering Josh Groban and let's just say that I now what all of the hullaballoo is about. AMAZING!
This blog is what I have to do for my class. I figure if I'm going to do it, why not go all out? If you have a question or some such, you could email me at
Seriously. It's abo9ut time!! 8)
New addition to the white trash list: Josh Groban.
hoon, why so much negitivity?
Hoon, don't judge it.
hizatch in the skrizatch!
as author of "the new white trash", i reserve the right to judge all. thank you for your cooperation.
Josh Groban? The guy who sounds even worse than Andrea Boccelli?
Josh Grobin? the guy who sounds like my next ex-boyfriend?
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