I forgot to insert this on my blog earlier but this year for Halloween I was a vampirate.
This blog is what I have to do for my class. I figure if I'm going to do it, why not go all out? If you have a question or some such, you could email me at jimsweblog@gmail.com.
is a vampirate someone who ate a vampire?
Mimi, the answer to your question is no.
I was a frankfurter (I know, gross!)
one would have to be a vampire to eat a vampire, or at least a carnivore, or at the very least a canibal.
Anonymous, that's sick!
How can I get concerned on your fashion choice if I have a pop-up window in my computer every time I come her to your webpage???
that's because you're on a pc. i'm on a mac and i don't get popups.
Vampirate? That sort of has a gay ring to it. Doesn't it?
That would be a vampirate smoker
before you're "sure of yourself", you should find out that I'm on a mac as well!
actually that was just a plug for apple; it's a securities issue in your browser, has nothing to do with the platform. but you should blog anyway :)
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