Jim's We(b Log)

This blog is what I have to do for my class. I figure if I'm going to do it, why not go all out? If you have a question or some such, you could email me at jimsweblog@gmail.com.

Location: mizzou, United States

Thursday, October 06, 2005


My brother Terrence told me that he's not going to do ANY substance abuse until the the night the new Harry Potter comes out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

no kidding, Harry Potter is messed up. I think my friends little brother started doing drugs after he saw the second one. I won't even read the books anymore cause they play mind games with you.

11:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think it is ever worth it to do a drug.

9:35 AM  
Blogger Jim Weed said...

I am also one of those who falls into the camp of "just say no" but I don't judge others. I say, "to each his own."

9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just say no too, because one time I said yes, and I regret it. My cousin talked me into drinking a whole bottle of nutmeg in a glass of koolaid after we saw it on Malcolm X one afternoon. It made me so sick I was dry heaving with a bad case of diarrhea for two days. I don't even get what people see in drugs. Now I tell people to just say no, but if you say yes always bet on puking on the floor cuz I went through more pairs of underwear dry heaving over the toilet thinking there was no more diarrhea that could possibly come out.

12:08 PM  
Blogger Jim Weed said...

Malcolm X is a very good movie about that black guy that got sick of taking it from the man.

11:47 AM  

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